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~ K U N S T ~ L E B E N ~ C O M ~

Here your advertisment could be placed:

max. 15:

vintage 1504 of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
Heath Ledger  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
cappuccino-50x50  of Henning O.
vintage 1541  of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
i wish i had wings.2jpg  of Karin Rab
vintage 1658  of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 1662 of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 1702 of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 2022  of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 2148  of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 2269  of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 2378  of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 2553 of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 2577  of Orfeu de SantaTeresa
vintage 2746 of Orfeu de SantaTeresa

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(218) / all works - you see max. 1 | 3 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | per page
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title: im wind
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:20 x 15 cm
style: digital-art
. im wind
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: indonesien_
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:15 x 20 cm
style: digital-art
. indonesien_
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: wrack_01
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:15 x 20 cm
style: drawing
. wrack_01
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: African Queen
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:48 x 90 cm
style: object-art
. African Queen
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: barkexy
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:30 x 90 cm
style: object-art
. barkexy
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: klassenfahrt
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:65 x 90 cm
style: object-art
. klassenfahrt
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: Kristallnacht 2006
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:40 x 90 cm
style: object-art
. Kristallnacht 2006
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: Omaha Beach II_
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:105 x 140 cm
style: object-art
. Omaha Beach II_
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: S(Ei)N_2010_Prolog
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:95 x 50 cm
style: object-art
. S(Ei)N_2010_Prolog
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
title: Bretagne07sept74_pro
artist (m): Urban Stark
size:15 x 20 cm
style: digital-art
. Bretagne07sept74_pro
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: ein boot braucht jeder mal
first  |<|   12345678910111213141516171819202122 |>| last 
~ K U N S T ~ L E B E N ~ C O M ~
27 art styles represent 5643 works

paintings of abstract styles -
abstract art general - 91
abstract expressionism - 3
concrete art - 2
cubism - 26
geometric abstraction - 5
naive painting - 18
suprematism - 1

paintings - non abstract -
expressionism - 112
figuration - 21
historism - 1
illustration - 5
impressionism - 99
naturalism - 84
phantastic realism - 102
photorealism - 1
pop art - 10
realism - 35
romantic - 73
sacrale art - 4
surrealism - 24
symbolism - 31

more than paintings -
digital-art »
all works of the style (4574)asking price (4)fixed price (16)presentation (3)on query (4551)

artists of style on | off

drawing - 14
neither nor - 6
object art - 44
photo art - 256

5508 works contain following motifs:

37 - abstraction
50 - animals
57 - architecture
22 - bizarr pictures
3 - crazy art
14 - dreamscapes
8 - everydays
66 - experimental
64 - flowers
425 - landscapes
59 - motivation
16 - music
1 - neurotics
39 - non abtract art
39 - nudes
4457 - people
41 - phantastics
2 - religious
19 - spirituals
32 - Spirituelle Kunst
2 - sports
1 - TOP offer
54 - universe


Last comment: 2010.06.23
" Hallo, geheimnisvolle Ausstrahlung.Super.LG Nicol ... "

10 accidentally keywords are:
herzspirale | Meditation | Adams | Dimension | Romantisch | Kreativität | Mythos | Schaukelpferd | Eugen | Mädchen |

networking - contacts
::: in search is :::
| Kunstsammler | Kunstmäzene | Kunstinteressierte | Vereine | Mäzene | Kunstvereine | Interessenten für Bilderleasin | Studio | ausland | Kollegiale |
::: offered is :::
| Kunst, Acrylmalerei, abstrakt, | Romanik | in | Geschichte | Ölbilder Kurse Auftragsarbrite | Miete | abstrakte | Wappen | individuelle | gesucht |


Artists perform from A to Z:

  • artauctions and other offers
  • artauctions with falling price
  • artauctions with rising price
  • artoffers with fix price
  • artoffers with asking price
  • art as presentation of works
  • FREE for artists !
  • FREE for creativ people !
  • NO FEE
  • SMALL provision only in case of sale
  • SMALL provision of 10% or 25%
  • WITH statistic to your works
  • WITH interal area for FAQs
  • VERY simple management of account
  • VERY simple to use for artists


    visitors perform from A to Z:

  • Find great artists
  • Find great artworks
  • Find contact to artists
  • Find biografies of artists
  • Find artists in groups
  • Find infos about exhibitions
  • Find infos about artprints
  • Find infos about artworks
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  • Safe pages as bookmark

  • KUNST-LEBEN.COM, also today
    at wednesday, the 12th march 2025